The American Advising Center – EducationUSA Kosovo College Prep Club (CPC) is a cohort group advising program that assists high school students who want to be strong applicants to the U.S.
Colleges and Universities. Students meet year-round and participate in many activities, such as lectures, book clubs, community service activities, cross-cultural exercises, and test preparation. The activities help ensure that students are properly advised as they go through the process of preparing themselves both academically and socially for a U.S. college or university, and work to determine which schools might be a good fit.

The CPC help the best and brightest students apply to competitive colleges and universities. CPC advisers work intensively to prepare students for the application process. CPC is open to high school students who are in the top 10% of their class.

CPC advisers organize student activities including study groups, intensive SAT preparation, reading assignments, lectures, and community service projects. Students sign a contract detailing their responsibilities, which in-dude attending all meetings during the school year and summer sessions.

CPC is launched during the International Education Week – in November – and in 2023, the 9th cohort was launched – CPC 9.0

COLLEGE PREP CLUB – CPC & jUNIOR COLLEGE PREP CLUB – jPCP – 10th & 11th Grade High School Students from all over Kosovo

CPC & jCPC Programs offer: 1. FREE career and college advising sessions and preparation to Study in the USA and 2. FREE standardized tests preparation TOEFL iBT, SAT English & SAT MATH
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